Wednesday, January 21, 2009

H.W. W/H Blocks 1/23-1/22

Read the rest of chapter 10 and all of chapter 11 of The Kite Runner.

- Make sure to turn in any late work / edited work / make-up tests by this Friday!
- If you're looking for extra credit, scroll down the blog to the list of links. Click on Freerice to play a vocabulary or grammar game. Press print when you're done playing, write your name on the paper, and turn in for extra points! Try to make it to level 30!!!!
- The junior student council has organized a bowling trip for after school this Friday! You can purchase a ticket for $12 tomorrow or Friday. See me or a member of the junior student council if you are interested!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

H.W. T 1/20/2009

Read chapter 9 of The Kite Runner. Then complete the following questions. The questions refer to a memory Amir recalls in chapter 7.


On pages 76-77, Amir remembers an Afghan celebration in which a sheep must be sacrificed. He talks about the sheep’s eyes moments before its death.

“I don’t know why I watch this yearly ritual in our backyard; my nightmares persist long after the bloodstains on the grass have faded. But I always watch. I watch because of that look of acceptance in the animal’s eyes. Absurdly, I imagine the animal understands. I imagine the animal sees that its imminent demise is for a higher purpose” (76).


1) Why do you think Amir recalls this memory when he witnesses Hassan’s attack in the alleyway?

2) What symbolic meanings do you think are contained in the above passage? Is Hassan represented? Is Afghanistan as a nation represented? Find examples from the text and offer additional possibilities.

3) What is the “higher purpose” for which the lamb is sacrificed?

4) What sacrifices has Hassan made for Amir? Has there been a “higher purpose”?

5) How is Amir’s watching this ritual each year like his watching the attack of Hassan in the alleyway? How is it different?

Friday, January 16, 2009

1/13 Homework and Study Guide

For homework, copy your answers to the Study Sheet questions onto looseleaf as a study method for Tuesday's test. Your looseleaf notes will be collected during the test and counted as homework.

The Kite Runner Acts 1-8 Study Sheet

Vocabulary Words: See unit 3 vocabulary packet

Literary Techniques:
Situational Irony
Verbal Irony
Symbols (kites, dolls, mirrors, smoke, trees)

Theme words from the common literary themes list that apply to The Kite Runner:acceptance, betrayal, alienation, choices and consequences, courage, envy, faith, family, identity, justice, loyalty, power, pride, redemption, trust

Theme Review Questions: What can be said about the idea of acceptance based on the story? What messages about betrayal are contained in the novel? What does the story express about alienation? How do we know this? Where do we see courage in the novel? What does this express about people, in general? (ect.)

Literary Technique Questions: Provide a specific example from The Kite Runner for each of the following categories:

a) a theme about acceptance is developed through characterization:

b) a theme about betrayal is developed through irony:

c) a theme about alienation is developed through symbolism:

d) a theme about choices and consequences is developed through characterization:

e) a theme about courage is developed through irony:

f) a theme about envy is developed through symbolism:

g) a theme about faith is developed through characterization:

h) a theme about is family developed through irony:

i) a theme about identity is developed through symbolism:

j) a theme about justice is developed through characterization:

k) a theme about loyalty is developed through irony:

l) a theme about power is developed through symbolism:

m) a theme about pride is developed through characterization:

n) a theme about redemption is developed through irony:

o) a theme about trust is developed through characterization:

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

H.W. Jan. 14-15 (Block Wed/Thurs Classes)

Actively read chapter 8 of The Kite Runner. Then, choose 4 quotes from chapter 8 to copy onto looseleaf and respond to. In your responses to these quotes, use and underline literary terms and vocabulary words.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

HW January 13

Actively read chapter 7 of The Kite Runner. Then, write one page in which you discuss how the literary techniques (characterization, irony, symbolism) work to develop the themes (redemption, trust, loyalty, forgivenss, family, envy, ect.)

Use vocabulary from units 2 & 3 for maximum points!

If you are having trouble with any of the terms in this assignment, see your notes and the list of common literary themes, located both at the bottom of this blog, and in your take-home folder).

Saturday, January 10, 2009

H.W. for Friday, January 9

Actively read chapters 4 & 5 of The Kite Runner. Then write a one page paper in which you discuss the significance of 3 out of the four symbols we have been studying in class (tree, mirror, hard-wood chiseled doll, smoke).

You score for the writing piece will be based on:
- Content / Meaning
- Evidence from the text
- Use of vocabulary from Unit 2 Vocabulary List

Announcement Test Friday, January 16. See separate posting for details and study guide.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Homework for W/H Blocks 1/7 &1/8: Characterization

Actively read chapter 3 of The Kite Runner. Then, write a one page essay in which you discuss the characterization of Amir. Discuss characterization in terms of:

a) personality
b) values & beliefs
c) background information
d) motive
e) physical description

This assignment is worth 25 points and must be turned in typed or on loose leaf.

** Reminder
Vocabulary packets due Friday, January 9