Wednesday, October 28, 2009

H.W. due Friday 10/30

Read and annotate pages 327-342. Your annotations will be checked the next time I see you.

Check the blog friday for your weekend homework!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

H.W. due Wed. 10/28 & Thurs 10/29

1. Read and annotate pages 295-324.

2. Complete your vocabulary packets and study cards which are due. They will be checked on Wednesday (for period 5)/Thursday (for period 2).

*Annotations for last week and this week's reading will be checked on Friday.

Friday, October 23, 2009

H.W. Assignment for the Weekend of 10/23-25

1. Read and annotate pages 265-294.

2. Complete your creative project to hand in Monday (for period 5) and Tuesday (for period 2).


Thursday, October 22, 2009

For Period 2 & 5 students: h.w. due Fri. 10/23

Read pages 241-264.

Answer the following in a paragraph:
Explain what you think Anatole means when he says, "The Congo is the Congo's and ever has been. (on page 230)

For period 5: Your packets and study cards are due Wed 10/28
For period 2: Your packets and study cards are due Thurs 10/29

Creative Project Reminder!!!
**If you missed class when we described the project you must come see me.
For period 5: project due Monday 10/26
For period 2: project due Tues 10/27

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

For period 2 students: H.W. due 10/22

Regular H.W.
Read and annotate pages 217-240.

Why do you think Orleanna is so tired? Explain your answer in a paragraph.
You must include at least 2 possible reasons for Orleanna's behavior. Then, explain why you think those are the reasons. Use 2 of your vocabulary words in your paragraph.

**Remember a paragraph has 5-7 sentences, a topic sentence (introducing your explanation), 3 or 4 supporting sentences, and a concluding final sentence or 2!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Poisonwood Creative Project Assignment

For period 5 students: This project is due Monday 10/26.
For period 2 students: This project is due Tuesday 10/27.

Assignment: Create a collage, drawing, poem, comic strip, or movie scene out of "The Things We Carried" charts. Your creation must include the feelings/ideas of at least 3 characters, and at least 5 items/objects. (However, more is better!)

For details about your options or if you have questions about how to do this please see me! It is worth 20 points if done well and completely.

The grading breakdown:
Incomplete assignments are unacceptable and will be given a zero.
Completion of assignment with some requirements met: 10 points
Completion of assignment with all requirements met: 15 points
Completion of assignment with all requirements met, while showing creativity, effort, and strong thought : 20 points.

For period 5 students: H.W. due Wed. 10/21

If you did not do so in class, finish reading pages 205-216 and answer the questions given in class. I will collect them Wednesday. Wednesday will also be the last day that I will accept your stories and the letter that was assigned last friday.

Regular H.W. - Read and annotate pages 217-240.
Why do you think Orleanna is so tired? Explain your answer in a paragraph. You must include at least 2 possible reasons for Orleanna's behavior. Then, explain why you think those are the reasons. Use 2 of your vocabulary words in your paragraph.
**A paragraph has 5-7 sentences, a topic sentence (introducing your explanation), 3 or 4 supporting sentences, and a concluding final sentence or 2!

Friday, October 16, 2009

h.w. due Mon 10/19 or Tues 10/20

1. Read and annotate pages 170-201.

2. Write a letter to Nathan as if you were either Orleanna, or one of his four daughters.
Make sure you use 1st person or 2nd person point of view (or both if you want).
It should be at least 1 page to be handed in.

** Remember your short stories are due. They will be collected at the beginning of our next class.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

h.w. due 10/16

1. Read and annotate pages 159-169.

2. Use your understanding of tonight's reading to write a paragraph explaining:
- what news the Underdowns tell the Price Family
- how Nathan reacts to this news
-what decision is made by Nathan after the talk with the Underdowns
(The paragraph will be collected so write on a separate sheet.)

3. Study for your vocabulary test tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

h.w. due Thursday 10/15

1. Finish reading the pages we started in class. p. 125-134

2. Read and annotate pages 135-152.

3. Complete the "Things We Carried" chart that we did in class. It will be collected on Thursday.

Friday, October 9, 2009

h.w. due Tuesday 10/13

**Reminder: Both period 2 and 5 classes will have English on Tuesday, Oct. 13th.

Read and annotate pages 87-124.

Answer the following questions in complete sentences. Your answers should be written on a seperate sheet of paper to be handed in. You do not have to write down the questions.

1. What does fufu mean in the Kilanga language?
2. What is Manioc?
3. How does Orleanna describe what Nathan was like in high school? Describe what she says.
4. Besides English, what other language does Adah know and when did she learn it?
5. What does Leah say about the young girls of Kilanga on page 107? What does she also say about all women there?
6. How does Leah first learn the names for things in the Kilanga language?
7. How did Ruth May get hurt? Describe how it happened.
8. Where did Nathan take Ruth May after she was injured?

Greek and Latin Roots; Prefixes and Suffixes

Websites (Type the word and its parts in the search bar) (Type the word and its parts in the search bar) (List of Greek and Latin Root words)

Look up the word exactly how it is written.
See if you can break the word down into its root, prefix, suffix.
Look up the separate root.
Look up the prefix.
Look up the suffix.

*The websites listed here are only meant to start you off. There are literally thousands of websites, books, and other resources you can consult to find information about every single word in the English language. I strongly encourage you to make it a habit of looking up roots, prefixes, and suffixes in addition to whatever is required for a grade. We need words to convey our thoughts in this world. Plus, it can be fun to see how words take on new meanings with time!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

h.w. due Friday 10/9

  • Read and annotate pages 77-82.
  • Answer the following questions from this week's reading. They should be answered in complete sentences, and on a sheet of paper to be handed in:

    1. What do the names of all the men in Kilanga start with? What do the names of the women start with?
    2. Why did the father (Nathan Price) want to bring the people down to the river? What wound up happening instead?
    3. How does Adah play with her words and language? (p.57)
    4. How does Leah try to show that she is different and seperate from Adah with her hairstyle? Why does she do this?
    5. What does the father think about "sending a girl to college"?

Monday, October 5, 2009

h.w. due Wednesday 10/7 & Thursday 10/8

-Read pages 50-76 of The Poisonwood Bible and annotate. Your post-its will be checked in class.
-In addition, the following h.w. (which should have been done over the weekend) will be checked:
  • Your annotations for pages 22-49.
  • Your vocabulary packets and study cards.

Friday, October 2, 2009

HW due Monday/Tuesday October 5 & 6

Read and annotate (see below) pages 22 - 49.

- anything you find interesting while reading
- anything you find puzzling
- questions that come to mind
- connections or things that you like or can relate to

Vocabulary: Unit 2 Dates to Know

Monday / Tuesday classes: packet due

Wednesday / Thursday classes: index cards due (same format as unit I)

Friday- We will go over the packet and the words in class

Friday, October 16- TEST/UNIT 2

* My expectation is that you work on vocabulary every single day. Do not wait until the last minute when it comes to due dates. You will have reading homework every single night in addition to this work, so if you wait until the last minute, you will feel overwhelmed. AVOID THIS!! You need to study your index cards on a daily basis.